Steps for building a privacy program, plus checklist

Why are privacy programs important?

A good privacy program informs employees how a company plans to keep information secure, who is responsible for managing the plan and what actions will be taken during a security breach. Privacy programs range broadly and can be as short or detailed as needed. Thorough outlines, for example, may include the specific software, protocols, tools and other relevant data protection measures in place.

Steps for building a privacy program, plus checklist

In the past, corporate privacy was an ad hoc activity with few formal rules for ensuring the privacy of information. Today, information security and privacy are largely inseparable activities due to rising occurrences of cybersecurity threats and internal theft of confidential data, as well as the potential for damage to personally identifiable information (PII).

A privacy program is an integral component of any security program. Unlike security, which aims to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, privacy focuses on protecting access to personal information and other important company documents. Such protection is often driven by corporate, industry or government compliance standards and regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA.

Privacy programs are important because they can help enterprises maintain privacy, prevent data breaches, maintain data governance and comply with regulations.

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